BR Black Lotus : The Movie Edit
Bad Movies Made Less Bad Presents:
Tightened dialogue, less flashbacks, and less “Junior.”
Tightened dialogue, less flashbacks, and less “Junior.”
Faneditor Name: Wakeupkeo
Original Movie Title: Black Lotus
Original Release Date: 2021
Original Running Time: 227
Fanedit Release Date: April 2022
Fanedit Running Time: 158
Subtitles Available?: Yes
Reviews are not required but they are really and truly appreciated.
*This is a lower quality file with stereo audio.
Major Changes:
Show, don’t tell philosophy in effect.
Flashbacks minimized.
Dialogue and pacing trimmed when possible. (Some continuous shots were unavoidable) Any fat that could be trimmed to reduce overall runtime without sacrificing story was removed.
Fight scenes trimmed to remove as many lame fight sequences as possible.
Wallace Junior isn’t revealed until Wallace Senior is killed.
No actual confirmation who commands Marlow, but its implied that Blade Runners are dispatched by Wallace, not Police Chief Grant.
Memory themes minimized in default to revenge plot theme.
Jay’s contact with Wallace Junior is hidden until their phone call after Elle’s memory wipe.
Jay’s flashback story minimized to it’s principles, that Jay wants revenge on Marlow.
White Lotus is first revealed when she is infiltrating the Memory Maker’s lab.
Davis doesn’t make it through alive in this season one edit. (If they make a season 2, I’ll adjust her demise.)
The short “Blade Runner 2039” has been trimmed and used as an after credits scene, focusing more directly on legalizing obedient replicants.
Cut List
Episode 1
New Adult Swim Intro
Crunchyroll credit from end credits used in intro
Removed Series Intro
Removed some of Elle’s flashback, leaving only the eye shot.
Removed date and location card, added title card for the edit
Removed Elle getting knocked down in the city, moved “This is all wrong” to when she is first looking around.
Removed Elle talking to diner owner about her tech
Removed Gang Leader line “Aww, what's a nice girl like you doing with a tat like that?”
Removed Elle discussing the daytime darkness
Removed Doc and Elle’s dialogue ”Ah, now that is something”, and “I don’t have any money. I should have known. Well I think I’ve had enough trouble for one day. I’m afraid I can’t help you.”
Re-edited Elle and Doc’s dialogue about the tech not being Elle’s.
Removed continuity issue where there is a closeup shot of Elle getting ready but her nose is unharmed.
Removed Gang Leader line “She can’t hide forever”
Bumped up some of the punch and kick SFX during the fight
Tightened Elle’s reaction before her flashback
Removed some of the “Blimp Advert” after Elle fights the gang. After so many years, they would have changed it a little… so let’s draw less attention to it.
Shortened Doc looking at the tech before Elle returns
Removed Doc looking for Jay. Now he just walks right into his home.
Episode 2
Tightened Jay first looking at the tech
Removed Davis interaction at the diner
Tightened Elle following Senator Banister
Trimmed some shots of the boxers that highlight the bad CGI
Trimmed Elle walking into the club, and some of her walking through
Added more crowd sound during Elle taking our Bannister’s guards
Removed Bannister yelling “Kill him!”
Added crowd chanting “Kill him”
Removed Junior and Senior Wallace talking
Tightened Davis’ interaction with Elle outside the club
Scene of Wallace senior removes Junior. Senior puts a game piece on the Go board in the room alone now, and receives the news about Bannister
Episode 3
Tightened Elle coming to
Tightened some of Jay and Elle’s discussion
Tightened Davis and Drove’s scene, removing Davis fighting anyone but Drove
Slightly tightened Elle and Jay’s “replicant discussion” scene.
Removed VK questions about Elle’s mom and boyfriend
Removed Wallace Senior and Junior scene
Tightened Davis’s interaction with Doc
Added sfx so Elle wakes to the sound of the computer tech
Tightened video footage
Episode 4
Tightened flashback to continue where the footage ends, instead of the full flashback story
Tightened Jay calming Elle down
Tightened Davis taking info to the Chief
Episode 5
Scene with Wallace Senior and the Chief moved up, trimmed to remove implications that the Chief directs the Blade Runners
Tightened Marlow calling into HQ
Removed Elle finding Jay’s gun
Episode 5
Moved up Chief sending out the Police to search for Elle to before Jay offers her food
Removed Chief calling Marlow
Moved Elle and Jay discovering the Chief on the video footage to after Chief sends the force after Doc, so Jay gets the call after that.
Removed Jay’s last name when the Police say they found him at Doc Badger’s place
Episode 6
Removed Elle taking out guards a Chief’s residence
Removed Marlow talking to Chief
Tightened Elle’s fight with the Chief’s wife
Tightened Elle’s confrontation with the Chief
Tightened Elle’s confrontation with Marlow, removing some of their fight
Removed Elle’s experience after she is thrown from the explosion
Episode 7
Removed Junior Wallace confronting Senior Wallace
Tightened Davis confronting Jay
Beginning of Davis’ interrogation moved up to here, heavily trimmed.
Elle entering Dr. M’s lab tightened
Discussion by doctors about “an inconsistency” tightened
Tightened Elle fighting Dr. M
Episode 8
Davis’ interrogation is heavily trimmed to remove the flashbacks, we begin at the end of the session
Discussion in the desert tightened
Episode 9
Wallace Junior cut out of scene with a panicking Senior Wallace, Go gameboard inserted
Scene from Episode 5 of Junior playing Go from his lab while ignoring Senior trying to call him has been inserted here, with shot of Junior’s face removed.
Edited dialogue between Jay and Elle to remove the “Senior” reference
Scene of Marlow looking over photos of Elle removed
Removed Jay talking on the phone
Tightened Elle’s infiltration of the Wallace Tower slightly
Tightened some of Elle’s fight with Marlow
Trimmed handprint sensor showing Junior reference
Tightened some of Wallace Senior and Elle confrontation
Episode 10
Jay’s flashback trimmed to just when Marlow shows up at the club, dialogue tightened
Elle’s flashback removed
Episode 11
Reveal of White Lotus removed
Tightened Doc welcoming Elle
Removed scene of Jay and White Lotus
Tightened Jay at the payphone, moved discussion with Davis to first
Removed Jay scene at the mirror
Episode 12
Tightened first fight between Elle and White Lotus
Removed shot if Davis disappearing after being stabbed
Removed first Jay flashback
Tightened Jay and Marlow confrontation
Removed Jay dream with Elle
Episode 13
Tightened Elle and Junior’s discussion
Tightened Elle’s fight with White Lotus slightly
Tightened Junior finding Jay
Tightened Elle and Junior’s final confrontation
Removed Jay and Elle’s final emotional exchange
Removed Davis’ return to the office
Removed final Junior scene
Removed extra rider as Elle rides into sunset
2036 : Nexus Dawn Post Credits Scene
Tightened heavily to simply focus on Wallace and his new Angel
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