TDKR : The Consequences Edit
Bad Movies Made Less Bad Presents:
A more logical conclusion to the Dark Knight Trilogy
A more logical conclusion to the Dark Knight Trilogy
Faneditor Name: Wakeupkeo
Original Movie Title:
The Dark Knight Rises
Original Release Date: 2012
Original Running Time: 164
Fanedit Release Date: April 2023
Fanedit Running Time: 120
Subtitles Available?: Yes
Reviews are not required but they are really and truly appreciated.
*This is a lower quality file with stereo audio.
Major Changes:
Bruce dies at the end.
Removed Bruce sleeping with Amanda Tate
Alfred's dream vacation story is scrubbed.
All mentions of autopilot are scrubbed.
The history eraser program is minimized and is no longer a motivation for Selina after Batman saves her from the thugs.
Countdown to Core Meltdown Timecodes added to Bruce's scenes in the pit to spread out the timing of Bruce's recovery.
Any verbal mention of time outside of a more evenly paced decent into chaos are removed.
Blake gets the bag without being called Robin.
Gordon doesn’t go back to work. He’s lucky he’s not being prosecuted for his perjury, at the minimum!
Cut List:
Remove Gordon's opening monologue.
Bane intro scene is tightened - CIA makes good on its death threats. No blood transfusion for physicist, no discussion with disciple about “the fire rising.”
Removed Alfred’s first mention of his vacations.
Added more neck break and body drop sfx to Bane killing his own henchman.
Removed Fox discussing the Autopilot with Bruce when he show him the “Bat”.
Tightened Alfred briefing to Bruce about what he learned about Bane, to keep Bane as a possible “child who escaped” valid for as long as possible.
Some shots re-ordered so that Bane's attack on the stock exchange was always planned to go mobile, not a reaction to the fiber being cut. Batman chase scene tightened.
Selina and Dagget fight tightened. Removed “gangland myth” line. Removed Selina looking back at Bane while being shot at. Selina and Bruce’s discussion tightened to remove “those were trained killers” and “so that’s what that feels like”
In Selina's apartment, the history eraser program subject is again removed.
Removed Bruce locked out of his house and sleeping with Amanda Tate.
When Bane kills Dagget, sfx adjusted so Dagget stops whimpering after his neck brakes.
Removed Gordon telling Blake to “not believe in coincidences”
Removed Catwoman and Batman’s discussion of the “Clean Slate” in the sewers, and tightened their descent into Bane’s territory.
Background soundtrack added to Bane/Batman sewer fight. Dialogue tightened to remove exposition that they are in League of Shadows. Bane does not say he was already a man when he first saw the light.
Tightened a couple lines when Bane introduces Bruce to The Pit.
Removed Foley yelling at the nurse to leve Gordons hospital room.
Tightened the old man first telling Bruce about the legend of the “child who escaped” to keep Bane as a valid possibility for as long as possible.
Move Bruce asking about the “Rise” chants to the first time he hears them.
Removed Blake mentioning to the construction guys that he is a detective now and about coincidences. Removed shot of Blake’s facial expression questioning his gun use is removed.
Removed the General “alerting the President”
Countdown to Core Meltdown Timecodes added to Bruce's scenes in the pit to spread out the timing of Bruce's recovery.
Trimmed Blake scolding Gordon to remove the “eight years” mention.
Removed closeup shot of timer on the bomb as it is loaded into a truck
Tightened the old man telling Bruce about the legend of the “child who escaped” the second time, to keep Bane as a valid possibility for as long as possible.
Tightened the old man telling Bruce about the legend of the “child who escaped” after Bruce attempting the jump, to keep Bane as a valid possibility for as long as possible.
Removed the actual time left on the bomb mentioned when Fox and Blake are briefing the new soldiers.
Re-edited Bruce’s jump with an extended shot of the hopeful blind doctor and then a black screen instead of actually seeing Bruce make the jump.
Trimmed Gordon briefing the team about the GPS to remove the time mention.
Removed Bruce and Selina discussing the Clean Slate again when Bruce returns to Gotham.
Removed close up shot of Amanda with Gordon during the sentencing.
Removed Bruce and Fox discussing the autopilot when removing the device from the Bat.
Some shots reordered to group bigger scenes, like Batman saving Gordon and Blake being captured
Trimmed Batman saving Blake a lot, and the grenade Batman gives Blake to throw is big enough, no Bat needed.
Re-edited Batman and Catwoman dialogue when Catwoman gets the Batpod, for more emotional connection and less exposition
Tightened the shots of Bane’s men and the police force clashing
Batman and Bane’s fight scene tightened, less “Where is the trigger!”, tightened dialogue
The Batwing chase scene is tightened up, and many close up shots of random soldiers are removed.
Gordon doesn’t ask who Batman is.
Shots of Gordon working again at a new Batsignal are removed.
Fox discussion of autopilot removed throughout edit.
Alfred vacations shots removed.
“Robin” name reveal removed.
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