The Counselor : Special Edition

Bad Movies Made Less Bad Presents:
The House Always Wins in the End.

Faneditor Name: Wakeupkeo

Original Movie Title: The Counselor

Original Release Date: 2013
Original Running Time: 141

Fanedit Release Date: September 2020
Fanedit Running Time: 99

Subtitles Available?: Yes

Reviews are not required but they are really and truly appreciated. 

The Counselor - Special Edition v3.02 HQ 5.1.mp4

*This is a lower quality file with stereo audio.

Major Changes:

  • A tighter, more focused story of savvy criminal defense lawyer, known for doing the right thing for the wrong people, who decides to use his connections for some quick cash, with a tandem story of the drug shipment's journey from Juarez to Chicago.
  • From the POV of the Counselor mainly, removing most of the scenes without the Counselor or Reiner involved
  • Malkina subplot and kept her to a simple strong woman that was to intimidating for Reiner. 

Editing Intent:

There are some great scenes and monologues in this movie that I wanted to highlight, and some terrible acting and monologues I wanted to remove. For MANY reasons besides the terrible acting, I ended up removing the whole Malkina subplot and kept her to a simple strong woman that was to intimidating for Reiner. Then, there simply wasn't enough character development (with good writing) for any of the women IMO, so I ended up focusing on the POV of the Counselor.

Cut List:

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