The Creator - The Widower's Edit

Bad Movies Made Less Bad Presents:
Picking up the pieces after lies destroy a family.

Faneditor Name: Wakeupkeo

Original Movie Title: The Creator

Original Release Date: 2023
Original Running Time: 107

Fanedit Release Date: Sept 2024
Fanedit Running Time: 81

Subtitles Available?: Yes

Reviews are not required but they are really and truly appreciated. 

*This is a lower quality file with stereo audio.

The Creator : The Widower Edit v1.13 LQ Stereo.mp4

The Widower Edit:

Another "evil overlords in the sky" futureworld rich in atmosphere but short on substance, safe writing hiding behind pretty set design. I wanted to love this one from the trailers, but it failed to deliver as a full movie. The visuals are stunning; it is the story that holds things back. It is designed to be an epic, but it is slow-moving in parts and shallow character development stand out. Posing as a deep allegory on the realities of xenophobia and a speculative examination of our AI-panicked future, it's actually a dull, simplistic fable lacking any moral complexity. The generally strong acting performances are completely overshadowed by clunky, poorly handled exposition and underdeveloped plot points so transparent you can predict every plot point about five minutes in. Instead of developing and exploring the existential conflict between humankind and machines, conflicts are boiled down to Allison Janney doing her best Duke Nukem impersonation and generic soldiers unironically shouting painful lines like, "We've got company!"

But... its just such a gorgeous movie - the integration of the robots in a feature length movie is a treat. The settings are gorgeous, especially considering how much new content out lately is clearly not shot on location, the environments while problematic, are hypnotic. So how can we keep a decent enough story to enjoy the visuals? 

So what is the actual main story we got? The journey of a widower in a really cool futureworld. So I tried to trim to just that and cut out anything distracting from that. Especially what didn't work. And let a more simple visual tale unfold. No epic expectations.

That is mostly addressing the script, but also the questionable specs and location of Nomad. Sometimes its in orbit, sometimes it is just above. Now, shots of Nomad in the sky are trimmed when possible in favor of the more distant shots - those that better give the impression that the lasers are from the heavens themselves, at least from the POV on the ground.

In this edit, the dialogue of Joshua and Alphie are trimmed for a more "show, don't tell" approach. Lines like “What do you want?” and “For robots to be free” are cut. The visuals are so beautiful, but the atrocious preachy dialogue just clutters everything up. Alphie's a kid, not spouting philosophy.  The paper-thin message The Creator attempts to wrap itself in, with a central theme so simple and self-evident, feels vaguely insulting to be preached to by it. It's similar to the ones found in Neill Blomkamp's Elysium - where high-paced action is meant to distract from the fact that it's seemingly impactful statements boil down the central conflict to "racism is bad".

America as the big bad is reframed as The wealthy West using the LA Nuke as an excuse to prohibit the economically disadvantaged in the East from using A.I. tools.

I've removed any presence of Colonel Howell and McBride after their capture - including McBride on the Bridge, and Colonel Howell's confrontation at Maya's body. Instead, after they pull the plug, we move to Alphie and Joshua at LAX on the day of a public planned attack on AI bases. This means the whole element of putting memories into a new body is removed. 

In the final Nomad destruction sequence, Alphie still finds a Maya simulant. But without the memory chip aspect, he just wants to bring Maya to Joshua, but eventually gives up as one set of missiles destroys a city. This means Joshua doesn't reunite with Maya as Nomad destructs.

Silly moments are cut throughout, like the "Dog Grenade operator" with the dumb robot cops and the "monkey mine operator". No more jokes like translating "Sex with your mother" either. This is a not a funny movie.

But... to set expectations low that this is a simple story, Anthony Hopkins now gives a little intro and exit line of dialogue about a girl who "was to usher in a new age of peace and compassion." (from the only good part about Rebel Moon - The Hopkins narration.) 

Change List:

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