Venom 2 - Chaos and Carnage v1.25
Bad Movies Made Less Bad Presents:
Less cheese, less cringe, more chaos!
Less cheese, less cringe, more chaos!
Faneditor Name: Wakeupkeo
Original Movie Title:
Venom Let There Be Carnage
Original Release Date: 2021
Original Running Time: 107
Fanedit Release Date: September 2024
Fanedit Running Time: 83
Subtitles Available?: Yes
Reviews are not required but they are really and truly appreciated.
*This is a lower quality file with stereo audio.
New intro credits typography and location typography added for a more "crazy" vibe
Intro scene is tightened, some dialogue trimmed. Removed Frances speaking to Mulligan in the van, and cut Frances waking up in Ravencroft.
New Title Card
Tightened Mulligan and Eddie scene at the Station. Removed Mulligan mentioning Eddie previously interviewing Cletus before, and did a little FX work to keep Mulligan's mouth moving from behind when he is talking to Eddie with the new dialogue.
Music added to add drama to attempting to eat Mulligan, and lightheartedness in the bathroom, inspired by I Love Jeanie. Tightened Venom and Eddie's bathroom scene. Added in Eddie describing their current situation with the FBI.
San Quentin lead in uses the guard discussion from Venom 1's mid-credit scene. Cletus's appearance in Venom 1 was just so different, I am redoing their first interaction. This required upscaling the 1920x800 original footage and cropping to 1920x1080
First scene with Cletus is highly trimmed, with the shots of Frances reading the paper removed. (We don't know her situation yet.) Lots of dialogue removed to hopefully seem like a fruitless meeting for Cletus.
Removed Mulligan getting upset at Eddie to "not make him look bad" (seems like too much of Mulligan caring about Eddie personally too soon.)
Removed "It's a Tree!" line
Reporter interviewing Eddie at Rodeo Beach and how Eddie is "back on top"
Added a mix of the first present day Ravencroft scene with the doctor walking the halls heckled by inmates moved up to this Ravencroft intro scene. Then dialogue from Frances being told that Cletus is going to be executed. This is our first look as the adult Frances.
Some dialogue timing was adjusted in Eddie's apartment between Venom and Eddie so Eddie's responses are quicker to Venom's lines. Removed discussion of their current situation with the FBI.
Alley scene with thief tightened to remove "bowling" joke.
Removed Cletus's abusive dad from the postcard story, and the "Hugs and Kisses" part.
Tightened Eddie's final interview with Cletus, and removed Cletus eating the symbiote on his finger
Removed Carnage randomly destroying prison cells to keep him focused on killing the prison guards, remove the guard saying "I got a family"
Removed Mulligan finding Eddie's tape recorder.
Removed Carnage talking to Cletus when he first steals the car, moving it to shortly after when they are driving on bridge right before Cletus and Carnage's first conversation.
Removed Venom saying "You Love Me!" at the club
Added squishing SFX when Cletus murders the gas station attendant, and removed Cletus fixing his hair.
Adjusted Carnage saying "A red wedding."
Removed Cletus's mention of "gifts" at the wedding
Removed Cletus mentioning abuse in final fight (he was just a bad kid)
Removed Frances grabbing the bell rope falling down
Removed Cletus saying that he just wanted Eddie's friendship
Changed Mulligan's glowing eyes to match his Venom 3 symbiote
Beach scene adds dialogue from a deleted scene from Venom One
First half of credits rescored with Eminem.
Mid Credit Multiverse Jump Scene followed by trimmed MCU bar scene of Eddie jumping out of the MCU.
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